Vladimer Asatiani

The short characteristic of own creative work,

as "Maximalism" manifesto


My art is an effort of plastical - coloristic representation of the spatial - time continuum (chronotop); When I try not to copy the reality as the object, but the objectivation of its live appearance, its artistically - embodied formalization. The above - mentioned is related to the things as well as to the space around them which are apprehended by me equally objectively and colourfully.

From the point of view of artistic manner, and may be broadly style, my approach to fine art can be determined as an opposite to naturalism and at the same time to minimalism (the art of its talented representatives I nevertheless appreciate and creatively take into consideration) - maximalism. "Maximalism" implies application of the integrated and at the same time individualized usage of the knowledge, abilities and traits which exist in art, employment of all thesaurus of art  in creative work in its attempt to merging with image of nature, searching this side of sensation of completeness of existence which demand to enrol for its object-given expression maximal artistic, technical and material resources.

In connection with the above - mentioned, side by side with such known notions as are - sense of form and sense of colour, I put for my self into usage such notion as - "sense of paint", as the factor which defines the texture of picture.

At the same time all we have said does not postulate something new, but reflects the essence of basic trend of art which defines its face for ages. Aspiration towards maximalism was always usual for art, for all his kins, kinds styles etc. This is the channel of art which makes possible the existence of the tributaries and branchings.

I have written this short characteristic of my creative trend because it has been adopted this way today and to give some definite direction to its possible interpretations, but in general, I am for such art which speaks for itself.

As for the evaluation of art, whether it reflects objective reality, subjective reality or abstract idea (side by side with well-known and opposite ones: beautiful - conceptual, comprehensive - incomprehensive, elite - public etc.), the main criteria for me is - live! What ever can the character of manifestation of the different  shape - forming structures in the art be, the artistic degree of its artefacts depends on this special live spirituality, which these creations are able to pass to  others.

I desire to create original painting which will thrill as Romanticism and at the same time warm on as Impressionism; the painting which will be so deliciously refined as painting of European saloon - Classicism  or Art Nouveau and at the same time so violent as painting of Expressionism and Tachisme; pictures figurative as the creatures of Picasso, Roualt and  Moore and at the same time colourful as paintings of  Fauves, the spatial-plastical art which at the same time will be dissolved in the surface of paints; the art rich and simple at the same time!

And some more, about freedom and cognition in art. The art has laws and rules, and we must carefully study them, but not follow them blindly, just to get over and change them!

The ability to give up your own rules to own art allow us to surpass oneself in creative work, to be unlimited by searching new forms.